Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Why would you have a speed limit of 55... get better Oregon!

Oakridge, Oregon is where we have decided to hang our hats and subsequently our towels out to dry for the next couple days. Yes I know we had originally told you of heading to the promise land, that being Bend, Oregon where we would fulfill our destiny of riding the Mackenzie River Trail that has managed to become one of the top rides in North America. We took a slight detour and headed left at the fork instead of right, and yes it was planned. With a couple days off the bike we were really getting antsy to ride and ride we did in Oakridge. We hoped on a shuttle this morning around 9:30 that took us up a mountain. We got dropped off right before a washout had taken out part of the road making it impassable for a vehicle; bikes of course were able to squeeze by. After mile or so of climbing we hit single track that reminded us of home with some tree cover and roots thrown into the mix. I’m just going to go ahead and say it, this was one of the best trails we have ridden so far this trip. It had a nice cross country feel to it with lots of fun windy downhill’s that ribboned though old grown forests, oh and the views were nothing short of breathtaking, don’t worry though all three of us managed to forget our cameras, woo go team. Luckily we had the helmet cam but it too was limited with only so much battery remaining.

Don’t you worry though Benny did manage to pull together a nice little video from sections of the Downieville trail.

Downieville, CA from Ben Crook-Hanna on Vimeo.

On a side note. Benny had written the last couple posts and forgot to mention the dancing him and Lully took part in on Saturday night at the bike festival. As previously mentioned beer was flowing at an alarming rate and those two boys just got caught up in the rapids. I seen Lully riverdance, breakdance, mosh, swing dance, grind, and even do a little hustle all to the beats of Saddle tramp. Benny was not to be outdone though, at one defining moment Benny turned to me with a sparkle in his eye and said”I have to do this, hold my beer” The rest was a blur.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic! Those drop-offs look rather alarming though...
    I'm really enjoying the music too - but I want to know who the musicians are (it is good to give credit where it is due).


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