Thursday, February 24, 2011

“it didn’t look this high from down there…”

We have been in Bali for about the last week now and I can’t get enough of this place. It is just one of those places that feels right… ahem Whistler cough cough. When have spent all our time so far in Kuta, and weren't sure what to expect as a few people we met in Thailand didn't have the best things to say about the place. Nothing is perfect though,and the downsides include the visible poverty and garbage all over the beach and ocean. But, you can just feel something unique about the place and the people that is refreshing. The town is thriving with people but around every corner is beautiful architecture and cultural traditions.

The food is also delectable! Hands down the best fired rice I have ever eaten… and it comes in a pyramid shape. How ball’n is that?

The posts haven’t been flowing because up until today the only thing I have been doing is surfing. And, although it is great, writing about getting owned by the Indian Ocean can only be described in so many ways. We are heading to the northern part of the island tomorrow and today Marilyn and I managed to check something off the list we were hoping to do before leaving town. What was it you may ask? The following pictures should fill you in.

The bungee jumping was amazing! I had perma-smile for the rest of the day. Marilyn did two jumps and I did three. We were both in agreement that the first was our favorite. Simply freefalling by your ankles was scary as, but it felt unlike anything else I have ever felt. The other jumps were fun too! Thanks to rob and Kate for the pics.

As for the surfing, it has been perfect for me this last week. 2 to 4 ft set waves at high tide each day. It's been nice to get some consistent surfing in as I usually only get out a few times a season. I have already noticed I have gotten a lot stronger at paddling. Although it hasn’t been all fun and games, sand on the board wax did a number on my chest. When I asked Lully for advise as he has experience surfing in boardies this is the response I got "as for the nipple chafe, keep your tits off the board mate! arch that back, tighten up your ass and quit being a pussy" thanks for the advise buddy, you’ll be glad to know I just used a rashgaurd...

I wasn't the only one getting my surf on. The rest of the crew took lessons and all caught some sweet rides. Rob stood up on his first wave!

Marilyns instructor bobby was quite a unit. A true soul surfer, in his sixties with long silver locks halfway down his back. If she was having trouble, usually because of the size of the waves he was taking her in, he would say control your emotions and then take her in to shore to stretch. Nice enough guy, but he won't be getting a teacher of the year award any time soon.


  1. Mate! Unreal post! So much you guys did! Tell me about the surf conditions? Any big swells? Reef breaks? Love the bungie pics, those are frameable!
    Travel safe.

  2. Oh yeah, looks like we got another surf recruit(rob!!!)


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