Other than that the only productive thing going on around here is that I finally managed to get an ok video put together of some riding in the bike park. Just a few clips from a run we did the other day, hope you enjoy and we will try to get some better videos together before too long.
Whistler Edit 1.0 from Ben Crook-Hanna on Vimeo.
As for it being so dry and such… It finally rained, and Matt on his first major ride got caught half way up a mountain in a hail/thunder and lightning storm. According to him it was not an enjoyable experience.
Yesterdays rain made for a dark/damp day here in Whistler and I couldn’t let it go to waste. Poor Tylers xc bike is still sick so I meet up with Dave from summit bike shop and he took me to a trail called train wreck, as it runs through an old wreck site complete with abandoned box cars. It was so cool! all the box cars are covered with amazing graffiti. Although not super long it was extremely fun and beautiful. The forest was alive, with the recent rain the forest was just radiating with lush green moss, floating steam in the trees, and the wonderful smell of damp cedar!
You guys are in your element! Looks unreal, great movie footage!