Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Days are Numbered...

This blog has been started to follow our journey over the next 2 mouths as we explore the north western US and Canada for some of the best mountain biking this continent has to offer. The following interactive map ( scroll around and zoom in and out) shows the route we plan to follow, although hopefully there will be some unexpected detours... let us know if you know of any hidden gems hiding near our expected route.

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After months of planning, the big day is fast approaching. On June 15 Steve and Ben will set off to meet Tyler somewhere in Colorado. Packing has been started, camping supplies have been bought, and extravagant bike components have been/are being installed. Our fuel guzzling friend and "home sweet home" remains unnamed, but that that should change soon once we are on the road.


To all our friends or anyone else who happens to stumble across our little adventure, I hope you enjoy the stories and photos that are bound to appear in the weeks to come.

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